
my country tis of thee.

What could be sweeter than a 4 year old toting around her country's flag ALL DAY on Memorial Day?!! Each morning, Ella almost always chooses a toy (or an object) which becomes her favorite item of the day. The item travels to and from errands with us and even sleeps along side her at bedtime.

Today is Memorial Day. Ella innocently picked up an American flag as her item of choice for the day. I thought this was amazing -- especially given that she had no idea the significance her choice held. As she was proudly waving her flag around this morning, I explained to her that today was a very special day. Today we honor our military and our veterans. We salute the men and women who have fought for our Country to defend Her freedom.

Ella has recently learned the Pledge of Allegiance and My Country Tis of Thee at her pre-school. She and I recited them together many, many times today. Here is a clip of Ella's tribute to our country...pajamas and all. :) {pardon the sideways shot -- oops!}

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